Monday, June 19, 2006

Moving Up

Back aching,
thighs aching,
shoulder aching,
wriest aching,
forearms aching,
have I left anything out?

Anyway, started out with basic movement using a 20 kgs barbel, after about 3 sets of 4 reps clean and jerk, I upgraded to 30kgs. 4 sets of that. same reps and I get a bit more confident and bring out the green weights. Altogether 40kgs and guess what, can only do 2 reps each. Okay then I did 4 sets of 2 reps before adding on another 5 kgs for my final two sets. Boy, did it start feeling heavy.

Right then, move straight into the pull.
Started out with 40 kgs, did about 4 sets of 4 reps each. Didn't feel right at times, but I continued to upgrade another 10kgs (mwa ha ha, tremble my little singaporean Scrabble juniors) did about 4 sets agains. Added an extra 5 kgs just to test myself. This time, only 2 sets of 3 reps each.

So what did I do once i finishing pulling (my muscles?). Back squat!!!
Loaded up 40kgs on the rack, did about 4 sets of 4 reps each, then posted 45kgs. I did 2 set with it and it felt a bit heavy so I upgrade it to 50kgs for one last set. Boy did I stun myself when I nailed 1 set of 6 reps easily.
And what do overconfident boys do? upgrade again.
This time 55kgs on the rack and my coach, Martin came over to assist me (and I really needed it, thanks Martin)
I did the first set and I wobbled on the 2nd squat, so we only did 3 reps. I banged out a second set before calling it a day with Martin.

Help cleaned up my barbell and did some arm extensions with a 20kgs barbell for warm down.

Interesting fact: My thighs are half the size of the people who are half my body weight. GAH! not to mention that I have almost no shoulder or back muscles at all.

Most embarassing thing to mention: Still cannnot overtake the juniors, even the girls.

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