Sunday, February 17, 2008

An business proposal to you

all the mumbo jumbo about eco-tourism, blah, blah, blah, is really getting me down. So I am now proposing something to you, how about investing/venturing into industry-tourism. Tour the places that made you your cheap undergarments, electrical appliances, toys, industrial material etc.

We are not talking about model factories here, but real sweatshops located in the bowels of the 3rd world (besides, only kids visit the clean, big, modern factories). Get to see workers toil everyday to earn less than U$1 per day, exposed to the harsh environment, deprive of their rights, committed to a lifetime of soulless, mundane activities to satisfy your material needs.

Be allow to speak to them, eat their food, do their work, all in the name of experience. After your tourist have finished the tour, let them blog about their experience, shame the governments and employers that condone such practices. We don't need NGOs, we need industry-tourism.

For an added twist, here is an variation proposed for American industry.
Invest in steel mill and convert one into a historical museum, showcasing American's Industrial Revolution prowess, worker's right emancipation, lousy modern steel making ability, international modern practices (all with live working furnaces and workers to hire those retrenched not by Mittal, but American steel mills that are stupid enough not to encourage the very same workers to find better jobs for themselves).

Let the flaming arrows fly!

1 comment:

fatboybakes said...

err, i din understand your last comment on my CNY post la.